the cat post

OK, this art and style blog of mine just got really cutesy. I had a dire need to write an entire post with a stream of pictures dedicated to these two. They were welcomed into our home in October as a birthday present for my son. We had just lost our cat Angie, who had a brain tumor. We had to make the gut wrenching decision to say goodbye. While at the Vet, two kittens were meowing at us from their cage ready to be adopted. Too sad to think about anything else, we went home and mourned the passing of our sweet cat. As days went by, the house felt empty without a furry friend to cuddle with. I looked online to find pet adoption places. Angie was a rescue, so there was no other way to go. After spending hours online, I remembered the two cats at the Vet. Fortunately, they were still there and that day we came home with two babies – Zeus and Athena. When my son got home from school, I had him close his eyes as he entered the house. Surprise!

Although siblings, the cats have very different personalities. Athena is a tomboy. She likes to play ball with my son, walk the staircase handrail, box with our Christmas ornaments, and climb on the curtains (I need new ones, by the way). Zeus is totally metro-sexual. He spends his days grooming, cuddling and enjoys sitting next to me looking in the mirror as I apply makeup. We have two blessings wandering about the house. In our case, we met our new family members at the Vet. However, we did look online first for pet adoption organizations. If you’re thinking about a new pet, please consider pet adoption. There are many great places, like Shelter Pets. You can search by zip code, find a shelter and choose your pet. You can also learn more about adoptions and get all the info you need. Check ’em out! And, if you’re still not convinced, follow the #shelterpets hashtag on Twitter to read more pet adoption stories.

Beware: some pictures are too cute for words.

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  1. Awwww…Rachel! Look at those beautiful pink nosed/toed babies!! So cute! But Angie was a gorgeous amazing kitty and will be deeply missed. I cannot wait to meet them.

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