Perennial Chic

perennial chic

Yep! You’re not on a different blog. I changed the name. I am no longer theArtMuse. Gasp! It was such a hard decision to make but it feels so right. Welcome to Perennial Chic.

Why the change? Well, when I started theArtMuse, I was still in the museum field and I was working as an actor. I was knee-deep in the arts. However, as the years went by, my life changed drastically and I just could not find a good way to position the blog to fit my evolving life. I still create art. I’m still an art historian. But I’m a million other things, and I wanted a platform that could touch on all of the topics that are important to me as a woman who is evolving everyday. 

perennial chic

I’m working on my illustrations, I started a business, my health has gotten so much better and my son is 18 becoming more and more independent each day. My fiance also got a new job and we’re excited to see what the near future has in store for us. 

So why Perennial Chic? Am I gardening now? Um, no. A plant would not survive in my house. I recently read this article called Meet the Perennials, and it resonated with me so-darn-much. I could not stop thinking about it. 

We are ever-blooming, relevant people of ALL ages who live in the present time, know what’s happening in the world, stay current with technology, and have friends of all ages. Perennials aren’t simply people over 40 who are still relevant but people who understand that age is not a limiting factor. 

This was just too perfect for me. After obsessing for months (because that’s how I do!), I made the change. I am so happy I did. If perennial describes you too, I look forward to sharing content with you. Make sure to sign up for the newsletter to keep in touch!
Dress and heels: Banana Republic 


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