Bangs over 40

bangs over 40 theartmuse
I’ve had bangs on and off for most of my life. In fact, I had them all through childhood until about the age of 21 or so. Something about them feels like home to me, if that makes sense. But as you get older, revisiting haircuts doesn’t always feel the same. For example, I love the way they look when my hair is all done, but I realized it’s going to take me a bit longer to get used to them this time around. I keep pushing them out of the way or pinning them back when I’m working. I’ve grown accustomed to flipping my hair out of my face or just pulling it all back. Bangs require more effort, especially when you have curly/wavy hair. They have a life of their own every morning when I wake up. And if it’s humid, they just twist in all sorts of direction creating a crown of cow licks. The straightening iron is my new BFF.

I wanted a significant change but nothing too drastic at the same time. I think turning 42 (on the 23rd!) and the fact that my health has gotten so much better had a lot to do with wanting to switch things up. I’ve been having the “should I have bangs” question in my head for far too long because I knew it was going to require more effort for me. I’m a bed-head kind of girl. I decided to just have it done, and not look back.

If you’re in the gray zone wondering if you should take the bangs plunge, I suggest going to your stylist with your ideas but remain flexible as well. What looks great in a picture may not necessarily work for us. You stylist may have a few suggestions you never thought about. I know what works for the shape of my face and what doesn’t (lots of trial and error here), so I went with a more 70s inspired look. You will never know if you don’t see for yourself. Who knows. You may love it … And if you don’t, it will eventually grow out.

Now that I have bangs, my next question is – Keep trimming them or grow them out for a sexy side swept look? We shall see. That’s the beauty of changing your style. Here’s to another birthday month and a new hair cut!

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  1. I was a frustrated with my at the beginning I swear I was going to buy one of those really tight headbands and pin them back . I’ve kind of gotten used to them but next time I have to remember not to cut bangs in the summer .

  2. Your bangs look great! I had bangs about 10 years ago, but didn’t think they were a great fit on me. I also have wavy/curly/thick hair, so I thank God for my trusty straightening iron!

  3. I can totally relate. I had bangs most of my childhood years and every once in a while I decide that I want them back. They look great on you!

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