Checking in
If you’ve ever been part of organizing a conference (or any large multi-day event, really) then I don’t need to tell you what the last few months have been like. Lots of long work days filled with spreadsheets, deadlines and approvals with lots and lots of updates and changes in between. It’s about getting things done well and quickly, making sure every sponsor is happy and ensuring that guests will have the best experience possible. With 31 sponsors and 450 attendees on their way, everything had to run smoothly for our third annual #WeAllGrow Summit. I’m proud to say, it did. From the food, accommodations at Hotel Maya, speakers, keynotes and suites, there was something for everyone.
I’m still recovering from months of preparation followed by three days of adrenaline – In heels! When will I learn? My chiropractor is going to give me the look of shame when I tell him I walked around for about 12 hours in stilettos. I knew there would be a price to pay, but I took the chance. Every year, I say I’m going to wear flats and I can’t bring myself to do it. It’s pretty ridiculous. I packed flats but only used them as back up.
Related: #WeAllGrow Summit 2015
Even though we still have plenty of work to do this week, I’m taking it slow(er). I need to focus back on myself, my son and my fiancé. They’ve been very patient. Their love and support helps me get through the craziest of days.
I’m excited to share more details, and will be back on the blog very soon with posts, pictures and all that good stuff. In the meantime, check out the #WeAllGrow hashtag!