
My word for 2018: Patience

word for the 2018

Last year, my word for 2017 was vivacious. I wanted to LIVE. I had been sick for so long, I just wanted to paint the town red and make up for all the time I spent trying to heal this body. I can truly say I did live up to that word many times. However, it didn’t come without its challenging moments. I wanted to live too much, and became increasingly impatient when my body didn’t allow me to. It was also tough because my life changed drastically, which required me to take a step back from wanting to sprint into life. 

Let’s see, what happened in 2017…

  • I started seeing a new life-changing chiropractor who uses a technique called QSM3. Prior to this I was in NUCCA therapy, which is a gentle upper cervical treatment designed to move the atlas and axis to its optimal position. These are the two bones at the core of my TMJ issues. They are twisted, crooked, you name it. I hit a platueau however and began looking for an alternative route. I found QSM3, which focuses on the fascia instead of the bones and I have not looked back. I’m doing so much better. 
  • #WeAllGrow Latina Network, where I worked full-time for several years restructured and downsized. I quickly started looking for work but my heart wasn’t into it. Instead of doing the daily traffic grind (the thought of losing 3-4 hours a day in traffic to the westside haunted me), I decided I would start my own social marketing agency. 
  • My fiance got a new job right in the knick of time (because God is good), which moved him up the ladder quickly (yay!) but requires him to travel for long periods of time (booo!). 
  • My son turned 18 and thinks he’s grown. He’s been driving me batty every since. I’m not even going to pretend that it’s been roses and unicorns when it comes to parenting an older child. 
  • I started working on my illustrations, and am in the process of setting up my studio (finally) to get cracking on all the illustrations I have in my head. 
  • I rebranded my blog and started creating more and more content. theArtMuse name no longer suited me, as I wanted to celebrate the fact that I’m older and wiser but still love a great red lip, a high heel, a good hip-hop song and an EDM-filled car ride. I’m all things perennial, as coined by Gina Pell who is now my girl crush. 

Related: My TMJD story

As you can see, life changed and I put a lot of things out into the universe that have manifested in amazaing ways. But the biggest thing I lacked in 2017 was PATIENCE. I wanted my neck to be better right away. I mean, once you get a taste of being pain and vertigo free, life is just too good to be true. 

I want (ed) more consistency with my artwork, business and blog … which is the most ridiculous goal ever. Trust me, I know this. When you’re off on your own, there is no such thing. I think I need a side of realistic expectations along with my patience cuisine in 2018. 

The guys in my life also require patience from me. My fiance’s new job is amazing but we’re pretty much having a long distance relationship right now, and I’m learning how to adapt to the changes. Not ideal when a big part of my goals post-TMJ included spending more QT with him. And as far as my son goes, I need the patience of Moses right now because his pace is probably the slowest this native New Yorker has ever seen. But I have to remind myself that I was that age once and that things will fall into place. 

So how am I going to achieve this life of patience-ness in 2018? More meditation and more daily walks/jogs. Sounds simple but these two practices are so powerful. Meditation helps to break the cycle of constant thinking, which feeds impatient behavior. Whenever I’m still and focusing on my breath, I become more centered and, well, patient (with myself, my work, my family, the world). The same goes for daily walks (or jogs if my body is cooperating). Releasing endorphins and a dose of nature does wonders for the mind. I tend to worry a lot, which is what causes me to be so impatient. I constantly have to check in with myself and remember that things are in motion. Even if I don’t see it moving at the speed I would prefer, it’s all in motion. 

There you have it. My word for 2018. Patience!

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