When I lived in NY, it was impossible for me to visit a museum and not feel the need to work there. I had a bit of an addiction. There was a point when I actually worked at four museums simultaneously – all contractually – hopping from one to another in one day as an educator. It’s easier to do when you live on the east coast. I didn’t have to drive. When I moved to LA, I struggled with the layout of the land. A lot. The driving and traffic really got to me after a while and I tried to think of ways to continue my passion and work for museums without the worry of 40 people waiting for me while I was parked on the 405. Hence, the blog. This whole Art Muse concept has opened so many new doors for me – including the opportunity to write for different publications and exercise my new love for photography. Of course, when I arrived at the Getty Villa’s Aphrodite reception, I wanted to stay and work there. Wouldn’t you? It’s one of the most magical museums I’ve been to. To see Aphrodite in all her glory turned a regular Tuesday night into an evening of nostalgia for me – I was reminded why I love museums so much. Perhaps this overwhelming feeling of happiness was the result of being in the presence of the love goddess herself. I don’t know. You tell me. If you live in Los Angeles, the show is now up for your viewing and offers new insight on her life, relationships and origin. If you’d like to know a bit more, check out my post for CBS Best of LA.
(Aphrodite images provided by The Getty)