The ruffle

I’m sticking to my word for 2017, my dear muses. Vivacious. And you know what that means? Ruffles, of course! 

Let me tell you, it’s not an easy thing to stick to when TMJ symptoms come creeping in. But I’ve been trying. A little over a week ago, I kinked up my neck on the couch waiting for my son to get home from a party. I must’ve slumped over in exhaustion. Well, when I got up the room was spinning. All I could say was “Darn it! Not again!”. I thought I rid myself of this awful symptom. It was so annoying, but I was determined to not let it get the best of me. It’s transient and all part of the healing process. Between my orthotic, chiropractic appointments and physical therapy, my body is shifting and trying to find its ideal position. I really cannot do more than what I’m already doing. When a symptom pops up, I acknowledge it, take a deep breath and try not to let it take a hold of me.

Hey, OK, you’re here, you can settle down. It’s all good. 

I get a whirl and it goes away. I used to give it so much power when it first started happening. I mean, there were points when it was debilitating so it wasn’t possible to ignore it. But as long as I continue to care for myself, I will never be in that place again (mild yoga, manganese rich green juices, meditation, to name a few). Set backs will happen. But isn’t that the same for anything in our lives? This disorder has certainly been one big metaphor for life, that’s for sure. As things violently spin around you, all you can do it stop and get your bearings. It’s dreadful and I wish it on no one. Saying that I’m stronger and wiser because of it is an understatement. 

But anyway, in the spirit of not giving it too much power, let’s get back to ruffles, shall we? I just love this trend. It’s so fun and feminine. I have my eye on a few sweaters and shirts for the Spring and our upcoming Summit. Nothing says Vivacious like ruffles, am I right? If you’re new to the trend, and fear like you may look a samba dancer (some of them are a little too extra for me), I selected a few chill ones you might like. 

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